Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What? Are you kidding me?

I went to the eye doctor yesterday. Let me just tell you my family is severely myopic and the entire clan has been cursed with coke bottle glasses. To give us the maximum advantage in finding a husband and producing grandchildren for my parents, they made sure we all were in contacts by the end of middle school.
My older sister, Kathy, who by the way is the most visually challenged, had Lasix surgery a few years ago, and swears it revolutionized her life. I just want to see the alarm clock at night, and make it to the potty without tripping over the dresser.
Can you believe that my my optician did everything to discouraged me from getting Lasix yesterday, and finally told me that I was getting past the age of maximum benefit? Give it to me straight... You think I'm too old? Are you kidding me?!?
So worse than that, he put me in contact lenses that cost a small fortune to combat the dry eyes that I have I guess due in part to my advanced age. This leaves me with a pair of glasses that by the time I paid for the laboratory assisted "thinning" of the lens, to make them more cosmetically pleasing, I think I probably could have had Lasix alot cheaper. It really sucks to get old!


Anonymous said...

If your eyesight is anything like Heather's then I bet you are really fun without your glasses or contacts. I love asking Heather if something I'm wearing matches, while she's not wearing eyewear, then watching her get an inch & a half away from me and scan up and down to see like a copier. It's fun to do, but more often than not I leave the house wearing like an orange shirt with red pants or something. I swear, I really look good in my red pants. ;^)

Live 2 Serve said...
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Heather said...

You need to get Lasik - screw your optician! Just imagine how thick your glasses will be if you don't help improve your eyes now. Your poor little frail neck will not be able to hold the weight! I feel your pain - it sucks getting old. I don't feel old until someone reminds me, like your doctor did, that the symptoms are because of my age. Hate it!

caitlinhorne said...

might want to check with another eye doc cuz I know someone that had lasix in her mid 60's just over a year ago.... I can find out who her doc is if you would like...

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