Tuesday, August 10, 2010

operation office organization

I'm not sure if it's all the ads for school supplies, or maybe just the feeling of going back to school, but I decided last night, that it is time to organize the tiny spot I call my home office.  It's not much more than a tiny nook off the kitchen, but it's the number #1 visited spot in my house, and the catchall for: charging ipods and phones, computer use, housing bills and school papers and a make shift calendar that the girls change every 2-3 months.
It's ugly. I hate it.  Like the rest of my life, it's usually in a state of chaos.  So I decided as I sat at the computer last night, it's getting a makeover.  Wayne built wonderful cabinets and drawer space that I under utilize.  It's dark and cluttered.

Operation office organization will happen this Saturday morning.  After unloading mounds of junk, I'm throwing half of it away, and the rest will go into organized folders that I am buying tonight at Office Max.  Stay tuned. I'll include before and after shots.


Roxanne said...

Woo-hoo! Love me some organization! Can't wait to see your finished space.

Anonymous said...

So where are the pictures? Did you get your office organized? I so need help in that area among others.

Good luck with it.


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